YouTube - Def Poet Tommy Bottoms
Is AP or IB Econ getting you down? McConnell and Brue just doesn't do it for you? How about some hip hop economics. Check out the YouTube video linked above and post your comments below. Here's some of the lyrics from this enlightening take on the dismal science.
“Basic Economics,” by Tommy Bottoms
Is AP or IB Econ getting you down? McConnell and Brue just doesn't do it for you? How about some hip hop economics. Check out the YouTube video linked above and post your comments below. Here's some of the lyrics from this enlightening take on the dismal science.
“Basic Economics,” by Tommy Bottoms
"...See America is designed for the get rich. There’s a million and one ways for you to get paid off of this bitch. And most of them’s legit. Just find a market you want to target, produce a service and/or product and your revenue minus your expenses is going to equal your profit. See, it’s just basic economics. As long as you have the haves, you’ll always have the have nots, so it’s up to you to decide whether or not you’re happy with what you got...
Now, I know I spit this poem with a whole lot of Ebonics, but it don’t matter who say it or how it’s been said, it’s still just basic economics."
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Mr Welker - you are such a nerd. :)
mr welker you are such a stud. :)
mr welker you are such a fox :)
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